
Old Stars - New Earth



What do stars and Earth have in common?

Surprising as it may seem, the universe is entirely orderly. Everything in it is placed and operates exactly. Stars seen from Earth and terrestrial mountains, as well as ancient sacred sites, provide the unlikely but compelling evidence. We can use this as a basis (though it is not the only one) for coming to the conclusion that there are no 'accidents' or random events.


New knowledge

Every time there is a major cycle change, new (or perhaps, rediscovered) knowledge emerges as a natural consequence. The work of researchers such as Mark Vidler, author of The Star Mirror, come into this category and are well worth studying, at least for anyone with an enquiring mind. Archaeoastronomy is a rich field for exploration, while Mark's specific observations and conclusions make for a fascinating - if not breath-taking - voyage of discovery.


The presentation

Some while ago I decided to check out Vidler's information. Apart from a few irritating, minor errors I could not fault his scholarship; although for sake of strict accuracy, I relied on computer searches and did not have the actual geographic and star maps that he said he used.
Having been so impressed with Mark Vidler's work, yet wishing to check out his research further for myself, I did my best to put together a review of his claims that was based on his references. I did this by using a script (a Word document) and an associated Power Point presentation. You read the one while viewing the other. These two presentation files are available by opening the zip file here(17MB)..